Explanation of benefits for membership and volunteers

On several occasions we have been asked the following question. What does South Carolina Carry do other than recruit for memberships? I would like to provide a brief summary of what goes on behind the scenes in our organization.

As you know we are a volunteer organization. No person takes a penny for what they do for South Carolina Carry. We are all volunteers and that includes our board members. All our board members have full time jobs and family commitments just as you do. We volunteer our time, talent and money toward our organization. Every membership that is purchased goes toward running our organization and funding necessary functions within the organization.

We are a grassroots organization in South Carolina and as such we are dependent upon the active participation from each of our paying members. The $20.00 annual membership fee is just the beginning of becoming a volunteer for our organization. We need folks to volunteer their time and talent as well. As a grassroots organization we need whatever time and talents you bring to our organization. There is something for everyone to do.

Here are some practical ways you can volunteer your time and talent.

  • Volunteer for one or two hours at one of your local gun shows in your zone.
  • Pass out flyers and business cards to local gun shops and ranges in your area.
  • Talk to 2A friendly businesses about being a corporate sponsor for our organization.
  • Write blog posts about gun industry and 2A topics.
  • Come up with creative ways to serve your community and draw positive attention to our organization.
  • Call your friends, family members and co workers and recruit them to be members.
  • Call your lawmakers and communicate with them about laws they should or should not support that affect our liberties in South Carolina.
  • Team up with a board member on one of the committees and help with projects.
  • Be a social media ambassador for our organization on the different social media portals.
  • Help us put together a monthly newsletter.
  • Help us to partner with other 2A friendly organizations to give us more exposure to the residents in our state.
  • Pick the demographic you fit into and reach out to that group of people and encourage them to join us in the fight for our liberties. If you are a woman shooter, reach out to other women shooters. We all belong to some sort of group or club that we can identify with.

All our board members head up one or more committees within our organization. Here are some of those committees.

membership - recruitment and retention
legislative - works hand in hand with law makers in Columbia in order to pass more 2A friendly bills
legal - working on keeping our bylaws up to date and relevant
finance - responsible for accounting functions and accountability of organizational funds
zone - zone coordinator responsible for working with zone leaders and county leaders in each zone
technology - responsible for website content, maintenance and content creation as well as all back end systems that support our organization

What do we use the money to pay for in our organization?

Website hosting & domain registration
Advertisement (brochures and signage)
Gun show booth fees
Federal & state fees
Office supplies
Accounting Fees
Reimbursement for business related expenses

The opposition to our liberty is well-funded and organized. We are no match for them if only dollars mattered. But our country has always drawn upon good men and women who cherished liberty so much that their commitment could not be measured or purchased with any currency. That is why you choose to join us and why you are invited to help our cause prevail.

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