About Our Organization

South Carolina Carry is dedicated to defending the right of individual self-protection guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment through the education of and interaction with the public.

We are a grassroots gun advocacy and education 501 (4) c  non-profit organization in South Carolina.

Below is a list of our Board Members and Zone Leaders in our organization.

Board Members

Mike Duralia, Presidentmike.duralia@sccarry.org
James Moffitt, Vice Presidentjames.moffitt@sccarry.org
Pat Marvin pat.marvin@sccarry.org
Graham Horsman, SecretaryGraham.Horsman@sccarry.org
Roy Harmon, Legal Counselroy.harmon@sccarry.org
Robert Mertingrobert.merting@sccarry.org
Hal Marvin, Treasurerhal.marvin@sccarry.org
Dan Roberts, Outreach and Media Directordan.roberts@sccarry.org
Sherra Scottsherra.scott@sccarry.org