The Open Carry with Training Bill (H3094) [full current text of bill with all accepted amendments here] will be on the House calendar for Wednesday, May 12, 2021. The House convenes at 10 AM on Wednesdays.
The Senate made a mess of H3094 by adding some amendments that will end up being a nightmare in the long run for South Carolinians who wish to get a carry permit or purchase a firearm from an FFL dealer. A clean Constitutional Carry amendment is the easiest way to clean that up AND it will bring South Carolina in line with the 20 other states with Constitutional Carry. So, look for the Constitutional Carry amendment to this bill to be pushed again on the floor. Do NOT be surprised if the bill ends up in Conference Committee instead of just being straight approved by the Senate.
CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS to let them know you SUPPORT Constitutional Carry!