
Legislative Updates 2019-01-31

Here is a link to a report that was created this morning. It’s the status of all the bills that are in our spreadsheet. Interestingly, there are a couple of bills that were referred to subcommittees that are NOT Judiciary committees. Thank you to Jack Cook for helping with the upkeep of the spreadsheet!

Gun Confiscation without due process

South Carolina Federal Senator Lindsey Graham has announced support for gun confiscation. In a misguided attempt to respond to horrific shootings, Senator Graham has proposed so-called ‘red flag’ laws that allow for the confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens without due process.  Senator Graham wants you to believe there will be due process . …. Read more »

H. 3456

H. 3456 was introduced into the South Carolina General Assembly 123rd Session on January 8, 2019 by Representatives Hill, Magnuson, Burns, Chumley, Long and B. Newton with Representative Morgan adding his name as a sponsor on January 10, 2019. This bill was introduced with the exact wording as H. 3700 from the 122nd Session of… Read more »

Easy Volunteer Opportunities!

South Carolina Carry is a non-profit VOLUNTEER organization. We need your help to keep things moving along and get information out. We could use help from our membership in several ways. Write original content for our blog & newsletter. (You must be logged in to the web site under your membership account in order to… Read more »

Anderson County meetup

The Anderson County Meetup met at Master’s Wok at 2104 N Main Street in Anderson. I joined Jim Jolly and 8 others as we had dinner and spoke about 2nd amendment topics and strategy for our organization in 2019. Jim Jolly stepped down as the Anderson County leader. We will be looking to replace Jim… Read more »

2019 SC Legislative Session Synopsis

Here are the bills currently introduced in the SC legislature. More will be filed. Visit us regularly for updates. Click the bill number for the full text of the bill. H. 3053 – amends the law relating to the unlawful possession of a firearm or ammunition by a person convicted of a violent crime, expanding the parameters of… Read more »