H3096, the Constitutional Carry bill, received a favorable vote from the House Judiciary Committee today and will head to the full House, hopefully before the crossover deadline of April 10th.
H3094, the Open Carry bill, is scheduled to be heard tomorrow, March 17th, in the House. The House is scheduled to convene at 10 AM. There is no guarantee of what time it will be heard. There is another controversial bill also on the House calendar, so it could be a while...like HOURS. The debate on this bill will be long and frustrating. You can watch the live stream of the drama tomorrow at this link. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/video/chamber.php?chamber=H&audio=0 (This is the LIVE link only. To watch after it's over you'll have to go to the Video Archives page and find the correct session.)
DON'T GET COMPLACENT! Keep contacting your SC State Representatives to let them know you EXPECT them to support H3095 & H3096! I can guarantee the "Mom's Demand Action" crowd is bombarding them with emails and phone calls, so WE must do the same! You can find your legislators by entering your address at this link https://www.scstatehouse.gov/legislatorssearch.php You can also find the representatives for your entire county (and send a message to all of them) at this link, then scroll down below the committee listings and clicking on your county. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/email.php?chamber=H&comm=1