Tag: H3096

H3094 Open Carry On Senate Floor

Well, this week has been interesting. H3094 received a strange 2nd reading for a contested bill and several amendments were adopted, but it will now go into DAY 3 of amendments & debate. It HAS however technically received its 2nd reading. All additional amendments that were pending will be taken up tomorrow during the 3rd… Read more »

H3096 Constitutional Carry Passes 2nd Reading in House

The Constitutional Carry bill (H3096) passed the 2nd reading on the House floor. It was amended with what was named the “Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act.” The current, amended version can be read here. The vote was 69-47 with one Democrat voting for the bill. The following Representatives voted for the bill. Allison, Atkinson*, Bailey,… Read more »

H3096 Constitutional Carry on House Floor

The South Carolina Constitutional Carry Act of 2021 (H3096) is to be debated on the floor in the South Carolina House Wednesday, April 7, 2021. The House session is scheduled to start at 10 AM. I would wager that this session will last several hours. If you can’t be there in person (we will most… Read more »

H3094 Open Carry With Permit Bill Passes 2nd Reading in SC House

One of the many hurdles for H3094, the Open Carry with Permit bill, was cleared yesterday, Wednesday, March 17, 2021, during a 7 1/2 hour session of the South Carolina House of Representatives. A total of 46 amendments to this bill were originally filed with a 47th filed today. Many of those bills were withdrawn… Read more »

Constitutional Carry & Open Carry Updates

H3096, the Constitutional Carry bill, received a favorable vote from the House Judiciary Committee today and will head to the full House, hopefully before the crossover deadline of April 10th. H3094, the Open Carry bill, is scheduled to be heard tomorrow, March 17th, in the House. The House is scheduled to convene at 10 AM…. Read more »

H3094 & H3096 Updates (Open Carry & Constitutional Carry)

H3096 (constitutional carry) to be voted on in subcommittee Tuesday, March 16th at 11:30 am and full committee Tuesday 1 hour after the House adjourns. H3094 (open carry w/ permit) is on the calendar for debate/vote in the full House Wednesday, March 17th. The House usually convenes at noon on Wednesdays, but the calendar for… Read more »